Friday, April 2, 2010

Testing onetwothree Testing...

I want to tell you about my day. I want to tell you about teaching, and about learning. I want to tell you about friendship and expectation, about dreams and fears. I want to make you laugh, or make you think, or just make you stop by the site and add another tick to my counter…

Unfortunately, I can’t.

Why? Well, the short answer is this:


What do I mean by that? Well, I’m not sure, but it’s the error code I’m supposed to send to Blogger to let them know that I can’t log in to my blog.

But if I weren’t bX-xhwc4ked up right now, I’d tell you about teaching Elliot to pee on a wall. I’d write about the importance of blue flip flops, and the common threads that bind all mothers together.

Instead, at the moment I can only type to my computer, sharing with only myself.

And all I can really say is bX-xhwc4k.

1:04 AM

Trying to post, but it won't allow pesky HTML tags like meta or link

Um, yeah. Crazy, mazy.

*ETA I had to remove all tags from the header of this post to make it publish... very strange, but at least it kinda worked. I'll still save the stories for tomorrow.

1 comment:

Matthew Carroll-Schmidt said...

I'll be over tomorrow to fix it.