Monday, March 29, 2010

Haven't got it Maid

So here's an embarrassing fact - sometimes I don't shoot videos of the adorable things Elliot does because I don't really want a record of what a state of disaster my house is in. Terrible, right?

I say this because today I did shoot some video of him playing with his remote control car. The batteries have been out for a while, and it's one of those unfortunate toys that takes a 9V instead of AAs, so it's taken me a some time to replace them. At the store today I finally remembered, and he had a blast chasing the thing all over the house.

What I didn't film, and should have, is his conversation with the iPod last night. Me and the iPod, really, but here's how it went:

E: night-night, iPoe.
Me: Mommy's iPod....
E: night-night, my iPoe. (hugging iPod) Myyy iPoe.
Me: Mommy's iPod....
E: No, thank you.

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