Friday, September 24, 2010

Occupational Hazards

As I type this I'm staring at a large swath of pink, overcooked skin on my left arm. I was working in the studio Monday and managed to bounce a hot pipe off my own arm (a true feat of grace, there).

Wednesday, Elliot demonstrated the power of genetics (sort of) by running full speed into a glass wall at the Magic House. It seems when we get excited about things, we don't pay attention to certain critical details. For me, trying not to hit the glass on any of the many obstacles in my way, and instead hitting myself. For Elliot, seeing only the miniature train rolling down the track and not the big rr crossing signs affixed to the glass just above his eye level.

So now I'm sporting a burn and he's sporting a bruise, and I have a feeling neither of us will really learn from our mistakes...

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