Thursday, September 23, 2010

It's ok to say Happy

Today would have been our 4 year anniversary. People seem a little at odds with themselves on how to appropriately confront the day. I say it's always ok to wish me a happy day. Believe me, by mentioning it, acknowledging it, you only share happiness.

While I may not always be keyed in to the date (i'm bad with those things) be assured that your mentioning the day will not suddenly remind me of a forgotten pain. Instead it will let me know that you, like me, loved Karl and miss him, and care about how we're faring without him.

While I'm still terribly sad that we lost our monkey, I can remember the good days - the happy days, and be glad for the memories.

Just like I forced denial upon everybody for that first birthday, insisting on happiness through tears, I say now that while we feel the sadness, let's not forget that he'd want us to remember him happy, and be happy, too.

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