Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Can't wait for Christmas...

Last night, while Elliot was sleeping, I put down the play rug I'd taken up several months ago when I rearranged his room. It's a standard Ikea, drive your cars around on your knees kinda thing, and had been in front of his crib for a year.

I guess he didn't remember it.

When he woke up this morning, the first thing he said was "Wow! Look at that, Mommy! It's great! Come and see it when you wake up."

He waited about 30 seconds between rounds of, "Mommy, are you awake yet?" and, "Wake up, Mommy," till I finally came in to see this wonder that had appeared in the night.

"What is it?" I asked.

And he said, in an awed voice, like it was THE most wonderful thing ever, "It's a carpet...!"

1 comment:

Jen said...

Hahahaha, that's charming. My ovaries still hurt from seeing him last week!