Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Separation Anxiety

So the last few nights Elliot has stayed with my mom, I've had strange dreams about abandoning him in odd places. Once I put him in a shopping cart and let somebody roll off with him, once I was hanging out with a bunch of college kids and let him wander off into a lake. . . there have been lots of variations, but it really comes down to me feeling like I'm not taking care of him when I don't have him with me 24/7. I realize this is wrong and crazy, as it's no good to neglect myself and I need to take time to be me, and not just his mom, but still it's difficult to get past the feelings. On top of that, there's the emptiness of the house when he isn't here. I start to see a tiny glimpse of what the 'empty nest' may be. I don't like it. Not a bit.

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