Thursday, June 25, 2009

Music is no longer on the menu.

On Thursday mornings, Elliot and I go to Music Together. It's kind of madness, kind of musical, and very fun. Elliot gets excited when I tell him we're going, and does his little chicken dance.

A lot of the songs include motions we do together with the song. One is about our fingers:

I have ten little fingers and they all belong to me,
I can make them do things, just you wait and see. (Waving fingers back and forth)

I can shut them up tight, or open them wide,
I can put them together, or make them all hide. (Opening, shutting, clapping, and hiding behind back)

I can make them jump High, I can make them jump low. (Wiggling fingers overhead, then by feet)
I can fold them quietly and hold them just so. (Folding hands in lap)

I have ten little fingers and they all belong to me. (Waving back and forth again)
Do you have ten fingers too? Let's see!

Then we count our fingers.

It's a cute little number, very popular with the kids. Last week Elliot started to mimic the hand movements a bit, and seemed to be enjoying it.

Last night at dinner he was getting tired and a little cranky, so I decided to lift his mood with a tune. This went well for one round, so he requested another. (He doesn't talk yet, but knows the sign for 'more' and uses it to say 'again' as well.) We were all smiles, up until we had to 'Make them all hide' on round two.

In his enthusiasm, trying to hide his hands as fast as possible behind his back, he managed to clear the entire contents of his dinner plate, sending everything flying to the floor.

Ajax (kitty) fled the kitchen, sure we were under attack. Finley (puppy), who had not been interested in the game till now, suddenly began a mad dash for scraps. I scrambled to contain the dog - and the mess - as quickly as possible, all without ruining the "Happy Mood" I was trying to encourage. After a quick whirlwind of scooping, scraping, and rinsing the mess, and dishing up a clean plate for Elliot, I collapsed back into my seat.

Elliot looked at me, grinned, and signed, "More?"

1 comment:

Jen said...

HAHAHAHAHA! smart alec already!