Sunday, April 3, 2011

If you wanted to know...

I'm reading Two Kisses for Maddy, Matt Logelin's new book detailing his own experiences with marriage, widowhood, and single parenting. I've got a lot of opinions about it so far, and plan to elaborate once i finish the book. Everybody deals with grief in different ways, and sometimes I find myself agreeing, other times not, with his perceptions... But for now I will say this - he painted a very honest picture of the moments, weeks, and months after her death, and anybody trying to understand what a loved one (i.e. me?) is going through upon losing a spouse should probably read it.

More about that later.

We spent the day enjoying the weather, and I'm pretty sure I have sunburn, but we flew kites and had a picnic in the park and life is good. Hello, spring.

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