Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Not the grossest moment in Mommy History, but close.

So I was changing a big poopy diaper a bit ago. The mixed soft'n'chunky, super stinky kind. The kind you know happened even tho he's in another room. The scent doesn't waft gently through the house, rather it stampedes from room to room, trampling nostrils and crumpling all things pure and happy.

Yes, so the diaper, not the gross part.

I had just finished cleaning him up, and the dog came wandering in. As I slid a clean diaper under Elliot's butt, I noticed the dog chewing something. Without thinking too much, I reached down and did a finger sweep to remove whatever he had.

Yes. It was a chunk of poo half the size of my thumb, and just pulled from half way down the dog's throat. I'm not sure how it escaped the diaper and ended up in the dog, but eew.

I'm quite grossed out.

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