Monday, July 12, 2010

Put it out to the universe...

I didn't want to cook tonight. Karl used to cook for me almost every night. Rarely did I have to so much as lift a finger, and there was food - usually very tasty food - set before me. The past two years I've gotten better at fending for myself in the kitchen, but it will never be a passion, and I was thinking about the unfairness of it all. And of course then there would be cleaning up to do.

In my self pitying state, I asked the cat to make us dinner, and he only stared blankly back. The dog seemed no more motivated. Since Elliot's not allowed to touch the stove, I didn't ask him, because I imagine I would have gotten an enthusiastic response, then have had to squash his excitement...

Checking my phone messages while noshing on crackers and salsa, I realized that long distance repeat caller I'd been ignoring was actually a friend of my parents. I called them to pass along the message, and got an invite to go out to dinner.

No cooking, no cleaning up.

I do love it when the universe is listening.


John O'Malley said...

Jess - haven't talked to you in a while.

You know what - pick a random date and I'll cook for you and Eliot and just drop it off. I've got a lot of passion around cooking but usually no one to serve. Of course, children are tricky but I can usually get around that with pasta or something like that.

Just an idea. Mull it over and see what you think.

John O'Malley

John O'Malley said...

Crap - make that Elliot with two els. I hate typos.