Friday, July 24, 2009

looking back

I've been looking through my old blog's archive tonight. I never really kept up with it much, but there are entries now and then about important things. Over the next few weeks, I hope to catch you up with life before Elliot, and his first few months. I don't want to dwell too much, and I'll try to look forward too.

And not to forget to live in the moment, either, of course..

My first real post about being Mommy

Here I Am, the Milk Giver
Oct 11, '07, 10:27 AM
So I was warned that the first three months would be mostly me sitting on the couch with my shirt up. It isn't really. Sometimes I'm on a chair or pacing around the house or lying in bed with my shirt up. This child likes to eat. He likes to eat a lot. I'm starting to make progress - I'm actually 4 ounces ahead of him right now. Finding time to pump is difficult because as soon as I put away the pumped milk he wants to eat. There's nothing left in me to feed him, so he keeps getting the bottle. So far there has not been any trouble with him latching on - nipple confusion or whatever it is when they decide they like a bottle better. Worst case I could pump exclusively, and I'd rather that than formula when I go back to work in January.

In other news, Elliot's baptism is tonight. I need to give him a bath, or at least wash his face and his feet.His eye is still gumming up when he sleeps. His skin is flaking around his ankles again, and it looks a little gross. We want a clean baby for God.

What else? He's growing like a weed. He's learned to fuss. He's very noisy when he poops or passes gas. In fact, right now... ah - daddy's got him. We're getting better at some things, like changing and night feedings. But as he gets fussier sometimes it feels like we're getting worse. We go to the pediatrician on Friday - perhaps she will have suggestions on making his bowels more comfy...

Well, best go get ready. Oh, and there's new photos almost daily at Flickr - here's a teaser with a link:

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